Digital Marketing

How Will Technology Change The Pharmacy Industry In The Next Decade?

How Will Technology Change The Pharmacy Industry In The Next Decade

Technology propels the modern world, and one place that it can greatly benefit patient safety and health is in the pharmacy industry. To keep up, the future of the pharma industry will need to implement the latest and greatest technology for the pharmaceutical industry to boost efficiency, create quality medicines, and provide better patient experiences. …

How Will Blockchain Impact The UK Pharmacy Sector?

How Will Blockchain Impact The UK Pharmacy Sector

Blockchain is a recent technology that is taking the pharmaceutical sector by storm. Blockchain is a digital ledger technology that provides greater transparency, security, and accountability within the industry to prevent poor medical practices (such as over-prescribing) and counterfeit medications from entering the supply chain. In this article, we’ll examine how blockchain technology in pharmacy …

In this digital age, it is more important to provide digital solutions for the people companies serve.

Digital Marketing agency in UK

In this increasingly digital age, it is more important than ever to provide digital solutions for the people companies serve. The public’s expectations when it comes to obtaining products and services have drastically changed in recent years so companies that want to stay relevant and in demand must evolve. That is why Pearl Chemist Group is …